Kabupaten Bekasi

It is in poor condition
Bekasi District is one of the fourteen districts of West Java Province. Focus on geographic geography using Laut Jawa. beda selatan berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Bogor; The western side is adjacent to Kota Bekasi and DKI Jakarta; It is adjacent to Kabupaten Karawang in the east. 60 10' 53" - 60 30' 6" Lintang Seltan and 1273.88 sq km long Buzhur Timur with coordinates 1060 48' 28" - 1070 27' 29".

Kabupaten Bekasi consists of 25 districts with 182 villages in 5 villages. Ke-23 Kecamatan itu berserta luasnya adalah sebagai sebagai: (1) Kecamatan Setu beribukota di Lubangbuaya consists of 11 villages with an area of ​​62.16 km² (4.88%), (2) Beriban area of ​​Kecamatan Serang Barukota di Sukasari is km²; (3%) 810 km²; (3) Kekamatan Sikarang Pusat Beribukota of Sukamahi consisting of 6 villages covering an area of ​​47.60 km² (3.74%); (4) Sikarang Selatan Beribucota of Sucadami consists of 7 villages covering 51.74 km² (4.06%); (5) Cibarusah beribukota di Cibarusahkota consisting of 7 villages covering an area of ​​50.39 km² (3.96%); (6) Bojongmangu beribucota of Bojongmangu Tadasi Atas 6 Seluas 60.06 km² (4.17%); (7) Sikarang Timur Beribukota di Jatibaru, consisting of 8 villages covering an area of ​​51.31 km² (4.03%); (8) Kedungwaringin beribukota di Kedungwaringin tadasi 7 seluas 31.53 km² (2.48%); (9) Sikarong Utara Beribukota of Sikarongkota comprising 11 villages covering an area of ​​43.30 km² (3.40%); (10) Karangbahagia beribucota Karangbahagia consists of 8 grams covering 46.10 km² (3.62%); (11) Cibitung beribukota di Wanasari consists of 7 villages with an area of ​​45.30 km² (3.56%); (12) Sikarang Barat Beribukota di Telagasih consisting of 11 villages covering an area of ​​53.69 km² (4.21%); (13) Tambun Selatan Beribucota di Tambun, consisting of 10 villages covering 43.10 km² (3.38%); (14) Tambun Utara Beribukota di Shrimur, consisting of 8 villages covering an area of ​​34.42 km² (2.70%); (15) Babelan beribukota di Babelan 9 seluas 63.60 km² (4.99%); (18) Tarumajaya beribucota of Paniimakmur Tadasi Atas 8 Seluas 54.63 km² (4.29%); (19) Tambelang beribucota di Sucarapi consists of 7 villages covering an area of ​​37.91 km² (2.98%); (20) Sukawangi beribucota di Sukawangi consists of 7 villages covering 67.19 km² (5.27%); (21) Sukatani Beribucota of Sukamulya consists of 7 villages covering an area of ​​37.52 km² (2.95%); (22) Sukakarya beribukota di Sukakarya consists of 7 villages with an area of ​​42.40 km² (3.33%); (23) Pebayuran Beribucota de Quercari consists of 13 villages covering an area of ​​96.34 km² (7.56%); (24) Cabangbungin beribukota di Lenggahjaya consists of 8 villages covering 49.70 km² (3.90%); from (25 Kecamatan Muaragembong beribukota di Pantimekar tadasi 6 desa seluas 140.09 km² (11.00%) (BPS Kabupaten Bekasi, 2022).

The relief of Bekasi regency ranges from low to medium high at 3-95m above sea level.Tambelang, Pebayuran, Babelan, Sukakarya, Sukatani, Kedungwaringin, Tambun Utara, Chikarang Chikarang, Barutang Chikarang, Chikarang Chikarang. , given to Serang Baru, Chibarusa, Bojongmang.

Its climate, like other parts of Indonesia, is tropical, characterized by the presence of two seasons: Pengujan and Kemeru. Musim Penguzan usually starts from October to March and Musim Kemaru usually starts from April to September. Kurekh Khuzan 179 mm/year at night. During this period, the average temperature is 17°-29° Celsius. Due to the tropical climate, healthy plants are generally the same as in other regions of Indonesia: Jati, Kelapa, Bambu, Tanamana Bua, Padi and Tanamana Palawija (Jagung, Kedelai, Singkong and Mentimun). Animal world Jan Ada di Province Jan Biasia Indonesia was separated by Pada gumtuna.

to the government
Kabupaten Bekasi Kukup Panjang has experience in government. Menurut bekasikab.go.id, bekandiyanya Kebupaten Bekasi dimuliai dengan sempatnya Panitia Amanat Rakyat Bekasi yang dipelopori KH Noer Alie, R. Supardi, Mayor Madnuin Khasibuan, Namin, Aminudin, Dan Marzuki Urmaini.

The Amanat Rakyat Bekasi Committee then held a large meeting in Alun-Alun Bekasi on 17 February 1950, resulting in four demands (known as Resolusi Rakyat Bekasi), namely: (1) Penerahan Pudangan Pemerintah Indonesia Federal Kepada Republika; (2) Republic of Indonesia Pengamblean Seluh Jawa Barat Kepada Negara; (3) does not recognize the government of the Bekasi region other than the government of the Republic of Indonesia; from (4) Menuntut agar nama Kabupaten Jatinegara sempala menjadi Kabupaten Bekasi.

Tuntutan Perawakan Nama Kabupaten Selakan D.Bikarakan Dengan DPR RIS and approved by Perdana Menteri Mohd Hatta. Kabupaten Bekasi was eventually created from Undang-undang no. 14 Tahun 1950 Tangal 15 August 1950 Kabupaten Bekasi was officially established with the organizational structure of a supreme government headed by a Bupati. Seven Ini Bupathis perform functions such as government administration, government areas, administration and control, public welfare, social policy, religion, electricity, education, sports, capital, economy, physical capacity of sarang and other specified activities. by the governor. West Java.

While performing the functions of the Bupati and his subordinates, the same mission is the same within the progress of Kabupaten Bekasi. Look at the words "Manusia ogamis yang agamis bissus agribisnis dan industri sakdasan". Visit ITU. Mission: (a) to improve the quality of healthy, intelligent and honest people; (b) Strengthening the professionalism of Pemerintah Darah, DPRD and Masyarkat institutions; (c) tuduk terciptanya masyarakat berbudaya, democratis, dan agamis; (d) Dayakan Member Usaha Kecil, Meningah, Dan Besar Young Basis Pada Ekonomi Kerakayatan; e) High Ketertiban and Order of Ketertiban; (f) infrastructure development in integrated public infrastructure; dan (g) menharmoniskan tata ruang yang base kepedulian tepadang lingungan (sites.google.com/site/pemdabk).
Dan, Sam provided information about Indonesia, Kabupaten Beksi logo and Wilayah identity. Kabupaten Bekasi Berdasar Perda No. 12/PD/1962 logo is divided into several parts. Bagian Atas: a) Dasar Bernong Hijau Muda Semporita Kesupuran; (b) untayan 17 butir padi bernang kuning-emas symbolic daerah penghasil padi; (c) Delapan Makam Bua-Buahan Berwana Kuning-Emus symbol Daerah Pengasil Bua, Palavia, Dan Sayur-Mayur. Bagian Tenga: (a) Sebila: Golok beranwa putih kesusian dengan gagang beranwa hitam ketabahan. Bagian Bawa: (a) Veng Laut Berwand Putih Jamanda Enam Bua Perjujan Symbolic Enam Zaman Jan Peran Gebraman Daera Bekasi (Zaman Gebermandung Turumanegara/Purnvarman, Zaman Gebermandang Pajajaran, Zaman Gebermandang Zamanjanka, Zaman Gebermandang Zamanjanka, Zaman Gebermandang Yarisyabermandang Jayabermandang); rakyat bekasi dalam tetanizing colonialism and capitalism; (c) lazur rangkap bernana hitam samkan pemanderi daerah tadasi atas badan sifat and badan executive daerah; (d) empat umpak bernang kokok symbolic empat kvedanaan (Bekasi, Tambun, Chikarang, dan Serengseng); (e) "Independent Wibawa Mukti" label (erwesebelas.com).

According to BPS Kabupaten Bekasi (sensus tahun 2021), the population of Kabupaten Bekasi is 3,157,962 people. The total number of men and women by gender is 1,603,356 people, and the number of women and girls is 1,554,606 people. sub-regions namely: setu dihuni oleh 180,460 Jiwa, Serang Baru 154,270 Jiwa, Cikarang Pusat 68,166 Jiwa, Cikarang Selatan 162,746 Jiwa, Cibarusah 96,612 Jiwa, Bojongmangu 866. Cikarang Utara 230,645 Jiwa, Karangba 126,412 Jiwa, Cibitung 126,412 Jiwa. , Cikarang Barat 205,372 Jiwa, Tambun Selatan 430,565 Jiwa, Tambun Utara 200,225 Jiwa27, Babe, Jiwa27, Babe 102,808 jiwa in Pebayur, 56,048 jiwa in Kabangbun and 40,646 jiwa in Muragembong-Dikhuni (BPS Kabupaten Bekasi, 2022).

If you look at the age range, the number of 0-4 year old population is 272,074 (139,586 male and 132,488 female), followed by 272,074 258,68,618,618 5-9 year old. 10-14 years old 258,950 souls (men 133,586 souls and women 125,364 souls), 15-19 years old 234,928 souls (men 12 0.220 12 0.220 souls 4 14,500 0.220. pen 4 14,586 m. 281947 30-294 years old men and 281947 women (13840) , 30-29 years 30-34 years, 35-39 years 294646 souls (147696 men and 146950 women), 40-274340 years old (136,717 souls for men and 146,950 souls per year 47,47,47,31,47,31 ,47,47,47,31,47,47,47,47,30 7.7 Male 117,233 jiwa dan105, jiwa dan105, -574 age 017 jiwa dan perempuan 84,144 jiwa), male 55-519 and 55674656467 55674656467 male 55-519 124,394 souls (males 65,606 to 67-60) and females 26,36,778) (15,064 jon and 26,328 mah). Ila), the total population aged 70-74 is 30,638 (15,064, 5,064 and 24,971) (10,999 men and 13,972 women). of fertile age.

Education and health
Bekasi Regency, a region located near the capital of Indonesia, certainly has adequate facilities for education and healthcare for people. In terms of educational institutions in the area: 661 children's parks (KP) with 24,876 students and 2,634 employees; 331 Bua Raudatul Atfa (Rah.) Total 12,319 people and 1,677 workers; 1,015 Bua Sekolah Dasar (SD) with 325,261 students and 14,522 students; 221 primary madrassas with 53,727 students and 3,077 students; 364 Bua Sekolakh Menenga Partama Dengan Jumla Siswa 121,374 Orang 6,189 Orang Tenaga Penghazar; 145 Tasanavia Madrasas with 31,714 students and 2,869 students; 122 Bua Sekolah Menangah Atas, 54,776 boys and 2,626 girls; 191 Bua Sekolah Menangah Kejuruan with 72,164 students and 3,058 students; 8202 students and 864 students in 47 higher madrasahs; 25 dan buah perguruan tinggi.

Meanwhile, for health, there are 40 hospital wards, 17 hospital wards in Bersalin, 149 health clinics, 50 initiation wards, 51 Pembangun initiation wards, 2,864 posiandu and 92 pharmacies. The total number of health workers is 566, including 1,681 doctors, 3,662 nurses, 2,083 nurses, 474 pharmacists, and 169 health workers (BPS Kabupaten Bekasi, 2022).

Agama and Keperkayan
Agama yang dianut oleh warga masyarkat kabupaten bekasi sangat bemang. According to Badan Pusat Statistics, Kabupaten Bekasi Tahun 2022, Islam Penduang Agama Jan Dianut Oleg Sebagay Besar Pendukunnia (2,536,466 people). Christians - Protestants (90,750), Catholics (24,812), Hindus (1,662), Buddhists (12,978) and Agama Lenya 491.

Island correlation is positive antara joomla pemeluk suatu agama dengan joomla sarna peribadatan. Hal itu Tercermin dari banyaknya sarana peribadatan yang dengan Agama Islam (mosque, musholla or langar) is related. According to Badan Pusat Statistics Kabupaten Bekasi Tertiary, the number of healthy mosques has reached 1466, and mushalla/langar/surau has reached 1571. Island 13 Bua Bihar Atau Kelenteng. Meanwhile, the dates for Sarana Peribadatan or Edugung Metupang Bagi Penganut Aliran Kerpekasian are yet to be announced.

To Mata Penchahari
There are many types of Mata penchaharyan yan digeluti ole masyarakat kabupaten bekasi, among them: officials of various government agencies, separatists: kabupaten, kelurakhan, kekamatan, government circle and others (10). Then Ada Juga Yang Beriska Patan / self-employed (384,015 orangs), Beriska Dibantu Buruh Tidak Tetap / employer-supported temporary workers (102,798 orangs), Beriska Dibantu Buruh Tepat / employers (384,015 orangs), permanent workers or La398ur , Penza Bebas Temporary workers (101,952 orangs), Penza Tak Dibayar/Unpaid workers (123,080 orangs), Dan Line Soru.

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