I Laurang
(Story of the people of South Sulawesi)
Once upon a time, there were two men who had been married for a long time. Not to abandon the kabatan who died, every night they always pray to the gods so that they are blessed with children. Many years later, wife Minta was somehow blessed with a baby boy, though it was only a small shrimp.
Unfortunately, the prayer was fulfilled and not long after she became pregnant. Nine months later, a boy was born as a gift from his womb. The baby has tango and seheto prawn-like skin and is called I Larang. Not only does the child have a strange shape, but he also has the privilege of being able to live on land and water.
So Oleg was the size of a sleeper in a large jug of water. However, as he was getting older and older, after a few years he came out of a pottery and lived on earth as a normal human being. Unfortunately, he could only be inside because all of his legs were still wrapped in shrimp shells. All the ins and outs of besadaan outside the home can only be gleaned from the story sangoi mother pleases.
One day the mother said that their master had seven beautiful daughters. The mother's story always seemed to resonate in Anna Larange's mind. He often imagined what the princesses looked like, although he had never seen Silver. In fact, it was because of her so much fantasizing that she wanted to marry one of them.
The wish is the wish of the mother. At first, the mother was surprised and did not expect that the story would be so calm, the princesses would be in the dark on Ana Larange. He then advised that Matalang should not be accompanied by the aristocracy. Not believing that the child's body is with humans in gyummenti, Sureng discourages Agar I Larang from intending to accompany the king's daughter.
But I do not mind continuing to insist on what his intentions are. Every day he asked the Gezini to go to the king's palace. And, cedeleh several times whining mother warning while waving so that if you are rejected or even kicked out, don't get hurt. And the reason is not because of her weird body holding Mike because there are actually princes who have come to propose.
After obtaining permission the next day, he forbade going to the palace. On reaching the palace he immediately met the king and proposed sikke sikkem to one of the princesses. The famous King Arif and Gokan did not necessarily expel him. He shook his head and nodded while smiling knots and kilit that semper on the daughters of Samaya or no offerings nemabara and laurang.
In order not to become more violent, he then asked for the help of the seven princesses who were still in the royal garden. After the meeting, they were asked one by one if Semani was Larang's wife. Neptatia as a large bush does not differ from the causes of Turan, such as: With his slender build, his ugly appearance, his clothes are not equivalent to a noble's stature, he has not yet had a face, and many princes are handsome.
There is only one person who has a double jakkaban, and that is the youngest daughter. Somehow he was ready to accept the I Larang therapist. The greatly surprised king had to agree to this decision. The wedding action is scheduled after the specified day.
The king's answer that one of the princesses was married made me very happy. He immediately retreated to tell his parents. On reaching home, he told his mother that his proposition was a murée from one of the king's daughters. Somehow, the Telangana celetah miraculously peeled off the shrimp shells covering the body and revealed the nipples of a young man with a very handsome face.
Anna Larange's good looks will amaze anyone. When a jug with his parents pitches the palace for the wedding ceremony, almost all women do not blink when looking into his eyes. So when they reached the palace, the princesses were stunned by I Larang's beautiful appearance. They hadn't expected that the original form of I Forbid was so perfect.
This condition made Chyanam, Putri's younger sister, jealous and envious. They hatched a sinister plot to take over Anna Larang. The method is: hurt the youngest. It was hard to say because wherever the younger one went there was always I Larang in sisyna.
The chance of mischief only arose when King Larang ordered him to go to another country. Before he left, Larange provided his wife with betel nuts and eggs so that he would always be asked about them when he left the house. The goal is to be a biggie of things you don't want to be while away.
A few days later, I forbade the younger brothers and sisters to come and take care of them ashore. They pretend to be Amasan, the youngest of whom is not Misa Kanabi. Di Qianam, the daughter was joking while playing on the swing. It was time to back off, the little one's swing was so delayed that his corpse was thrown overboard and hit him.
Upon reaching the bottom of the sea, he picked up a lost betel nut in one of the pockets of his clothes. Then the princess took refuge in her bed, clutching a betel nut in a manner.
Along with making an areca tree emerge from a pool of seawater, Princess Charity miraculously appeared as a whole chicken. Then he emerged from the eggshell and sat on top, confirming the winner. After that, he was alive and well, waiting for the boat to pass. And every time there's a boat around the tree, he'll yell while relaxing while relaxing at I Larang.
It was intense for days until one day a really big boat showed up. As soon as the boat arrived, the boatswain shouted a forbidden name. When I heard a human voice making an instrument, I Larange got out of the boat that had returned from another country.
Then the princess shouted again and declared herself its owner. He then jumps onto the deck of the boat pointing to Ana Larang who beats him up while casting a spell. Once the Charty chicken chatter was the youngest. They hugged each other as they snorted after days of not feeling warm.
Then the wife thought of all the things that had bothered her until she had all the chickens in the middle of the ocean. I only prevent stinging, and his senpai will make the younger brother of the younger brother a deterrent and will not reveal his actions. The trick is to hide the smaller ones in a box. If someone tried to lift it, he had to stab that person's shoulder with a large needle pierced by a chokehold.
Arriving at the harbour, Larange is met by all the royal palace, and he is not recognized as S.'s younger brother. They worry about casting magic on each other until Larange catches a glimpse of them hoping that who knows, they'll become wives. No one will be adyarsari if the youngest is in one of the boxes I seek refuge in.
aware of the signs in front of the princess. The contest was held for the reason that since Pedomani's boat till Larang was on land, the youngest daughter had yet to show her nose.
And as previously thought, the Methylati competition was greatly excited by the younger brother Betam. Alternately, the peacock began to take out the coffin that Larang had used. But there is no play on the words I use. They can only get ballast juice from a meter away before the shoulder hurts because the smallest of them is being pricked with a needle. They finally fail to marry Anna Larang's wife.
Long story short, the kemidu box was carried to the palace using a rope that was carried on two bamboo sticks. Arriving at the palace, Larange begins to talk about the box as a rival article. After speaking, he immediately packed the box and the youngest who looked fit and healthy came out.
Seeing the smallest order in the palace as a big man seems like a lofty ideal. According to Little Yan, Oleg and his brothers were at sea and still alive and returned together to Perman. Meanwhile, like other people, namely the younger siblings, Shureb was of course not at a loss and ran recklessly in all directions. The eldest daughter ran to the door, the second and third daughters to the kitchen, the daughters Kipetva and the fifth ran out of the palace, and Princess Kyanam Eko towards the well.
Where did the princesses go in the last days as the peacock was penance. After the king abdicated and appointed the youngest as his successor, the eldest princess was appointed a caretaker and responsible for taking care of the palace, the second and third daughters became cooks in the kitchen, the fourth and fourth daughters became cinnamon rice outside the palace, and her daughter became a handyman. It only works around the well.
Once upon a time, there were two men who had been married for a long time. Not to abandon the kabatan who died, every night they always pray to the gods so that they are blessed with children. Many years later, wife Minta was somehow blessed with a baby boy, though it was only a small shrimp.
Unfortunately, the prayer was fulfilled and not long after she became pregnant. Nine months later, a boy was born as a gift from his womb. The baby has tango and seheto prawn-like skin and is called I Larang. Not only does the child have a strange shape, but he also has the privilege of being able to live on land and water.
So Oleg was the size of a sleeper in a large jug of water. However, as he was getting older and older, after a few years he came out of a pottery and lived on earth as a normal human being. Unfortunately, he could only be inside because all of his legs were still wrapped in shrimp shells. All the ins and outs of besadaan outside the home can only be gleaned from the story sangoi mother pleases.
One day the mother said that their master had seven beautiful daughters. The mother's story always seemed to resonate in Anna Larange's mind. He often imagined what the princesses looked like, although he had never seen Silver. In fact, it was because of her so much fantasizing that she wanted to marry one of them.
The wish is the wish of the mother. At first, the mother was surprised and did not expect that the story would be so calm, the princesses would be in the dark on Ana Larange. He then advised that Matalang should not be accompanied by the aristocracy. Not believing that the child's body is with humans in gyummenti, Sureng discourages Agar I Larang from intending to accompany the king's daughter.
But I do not mind continuing to insist on what his intentions are. Every day he asked the Gezini to go to the king's palace. And, cedeleh several times whining mother warning while waving so that if you are rejected or even kicked out, don't get hurt. And the reason is not because of her weird body holding Mike because there are actually princes who have come to propose.
After obtaining permission the next day, he forbade going to the palace. On reaching the palace he immediately met the king and proposed sikke sikkem to one of the princesses. The famous King Arif and Gokan did not necessarily expel him. He shook his head and nodded while smiling knots and kilit that semper on the daughters of Samaya or no offerings nemabara and laurang.
In order not to become more violent, he then asked for the help of the seven princesses who were still in the royal garden. After the meeting, they were asked one by one if Semani was Larang's wife. Neptatia as a large bush does not differ from the causes of Turan, such as: With his slender build, his ugly appearance, his clothes are not equivalent to a noble's stature, he has not yet had a face, and many princes are handsome.
There is only one person who has a double jakkaban, and that is the youngest daughter. Somehow he was ready to accept the I Larang therapist. The greatly surprised king had to agree to this decision. The wedding action is scheduled after the specified day.
The king's answer that one of the princesses was married made me very happy. He immediately retreated to tell his parents. On reaching home, he told his mother that his proposition was a murée from one of the king's daughters. Somehow, the Telangana celetah miraculously peeled off the shrimp shells covering the body and revealed the nipples of a young man with a very handsome face.
Anna Larange's good looks will amaze anyone. When a jug with his parents pitches the palace for the wedding ceremony, almost all women do not blink when looking into his eyes. So when they reached the palace, the princesses were stunned by I Larang's beautiful appearance. They hadn't expected that the original form of I Forbid was so perfect.
This condition made Chyanam, Putri's younger sister, jealous and envious. They hatched a sinister plot to take over Anna Larang. The method is: hurt the youngest. It was hard to say because wherever the younger one went there was always I Larang in sisyna.
The chance of mischief only arose when King Larang ordered him to go to another country. Before he left, Larange provided his wife with betel nuts and eggs so that he would always be asked about them when he left the house. The goal is to be a biggie of things you don't want to be while away.
A few days later, I forbade the younger brothers and sisters to come and take care of them ashore. They pretend to be Amasan, the youngest of whom is not Misa Kanabi. Di Qianam, the daughter was joking while playing on the swing. It was time to back off, the little one's swing was so delayed that his corpse was thrown overboard and hit him.
Upon reaching the bottom of the sea, he picked up a lost betel nut in one of the pockets of his clothes. Then the princess took refuge in her bed, clutching a betel nut in a manner.
Along with making an areca tree emerge from a pool of seawater, Princess Charity miraculously appeared as a whole chicken. Then he emerged from the eggshell and sat on top, confirming the winner. After that, he was alive and well, waiting for the boat to pass. And every time there's a boat around the tree, he'll yell while relaxing while relaxing at I Larang.
It was intense for days until one day a really big boat showed up. As soon as the boat arrived, the boatswain shouted a forbidden name. When I heard a human voice making an instrument, I Larange got out of the boat that had returned from another country.
Then the princess shouted again and declared herself its owner. He then jumps onto the deck of the boat pointing to Ana Larang who beats him up while casting a spell. Once the Charty chicken chatter was the youngest. They hugged each other as they snorted after days of not feeling warm.
Then the wife thought of all the things that had bothered her until she had all the chickens in the middle of the ocean. I only prevent stinging, and his senpai will make the younger brother of the younger brother a deterrent and will not reveal his actions. The trick is to hide the smaller ones in a box. If someone tried to lift it, he had to stab that person's shoulder with a large needle pierced by a chokehold.
Arriving at the harbour, Larange is met by all the royal palace, and he is not recognized as S.'s younger brother. They worry about casting magic on each other until Larange catches a glimpse of them hoping that who knows, they'll become wives. No one will be adyarsari if the youngest is in one of the boxes I seek refuge in.
aware of the signs in front of the princess. The contest was held for the reason that since Pedomani's boat till Larang was on land, the youngest daughter had yet to show her nose.
And as previously thought, the Methylati competition was greatly excited by the younger brother Betam. Alternately, the peacock began to take out the coffin that Larang had used. But there is no play on the words I use. They can only get ballast juice from a meter away before the shoulder hurts because the smallest of them is being pricked with a needle. They finally fail to marry Anna Larang's wife.
Long story short, the kemidu box was carried to the palace using a rope that was carried on two bamboo sticks. Arriving at the palace, Larange begins to talk about the box as a rival article. After speaking, he immediately packed the box and the youngest who looked fit and healthy came out.
Seeing the smallest order in the palace as a big man seems like a lofty ideal. According to Little Yan, Oleg and his brothers were at sea and still alive and returned together to Perman. Meanwhile, like other people, namely the younger siblings, Shureb was of course not at a loss and ran recklessly in all directions. The eldest daughter ran to the door, the second and third daughters to the kitchen, the daughters Kipetva and the fifth ran out of the palace, and Princess Kyanam Eko towards the well.
Where did the princesses go in the last days as the peacock was penance. After the king abdicated and appointed the youngest as his successor, the eldest princess was appointed a caretaker and responsible for taking care of the palace, the second and third daughters became cooks in the kitchen, the fourth and fourth daughters became cinnamon rice outside the palace, and her daughter became a handyman. It only works around the well.
Narrated by Ali Gufron
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